Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ways in which a blog could be useful as a classroom resource

~Post homework assignments (page numbers, etc) so that students can't have 'forgotten to write it down'

~Keep parents notified of upcoming classroom events, projects, what's going on in the classroom environment (possibly a weekly online newsletter)

~Have links for students to use that are related to the material being covered in class

~Have a weekly extra credit problem on blog that students have the option of doing on their own time, encouraging them to become familiar with technology.

~Have a class blog. Each week one student can post a poem, story, or riddle they've written and a photo of themselves

~Post current events and news articles that may be of interest to students (again, getting them comfortable with technology.

1 comment:

Amani said...

Excellent list of things a blog could be used for by a teacher. Look for my email in response to your book choices.
Amani Duncan